
The Oakland Raiders hired only one new CEO: YOU

Because the fans make fun of the project love and want to build your dream team, here's the deal. Cut and paste the comment chart below thoroughly and completely, what the coaches and players you want to bet on the Raiders. When all this is fantastic, theres no restrictions, thus recovering the players to imagine the other teams, the dying, who football jersey
want every player you, and every coach Commerce will take on the possibility of the money and the new black sport salivation.
Choose your coaches and philosophies (eg, run and shoot offense with a defense 4-3/man) to fulfill their dream team mounting depth, and let us know why you think it will work. If you do not want anything change Feel free to leave, no matter what color or just leave blank the position. You can also others on the list or fill out a framework for your team of soccer jerseys
all time Raider.

Fill out the form below and tell us how he was the fourth, fifth and sixth Lombardi Trophy to put in Oakland.

