Clearly, Mr. Mustafa was very vague, but the lucrative contracts Sportfive, sold at the same time, handball is a competitive bidding situation valuable television rights to the same company, suspect conflicts of interest, to put it mildly.
Some observers have it go further and begin to discuss setbacks on the kick is quite understandable, especially those who feel that Mustafa Over the years, he does not understand it, or to show respect to the 'interest' the concept of conflict. This apparent state of recovery in the media around the world handball, examples of the major sites handball handball world '.
Not surprisingly, handball, President considers it necessary to try to deal with these conclusive report. January 26th, Handball issued a press release reporting on the mirror back up statements, the president has been made. This press release, but it is only available to the German news media, and has not yet been published on the NBA jerseyswebsite of the handball.
Gives the impression that, handball to avoid their own press release in an attempt to make the whole thing, too much publicity contact as much as possible limited. This is not usually the person who has nothing to hide methods.
However, the press releases are mainly two particularly noteworthy: In the face of the available evidence, President Bush did not attempt to deny the existence of lucrative contracts. On the contrary, he tried to play down, rather than lively and parameters problem. For example, "he said at this time are mainly businessmen and companies in Cairo, which Sportfive has obtained a contract, he and handball stand in any case is only an honorary one."
Ah, while President Bush may think that this attempt to bring the priorities of his relatives may provide a number of excuses, all too clearly reflected his critics say it is for him to give priority to personal enrichment, on the contrary, his treatment of the development of Handball a small side of the world.
It is also interesting is that some of the press communique said, "Handball has come to Mustafa in all aspects of the behavior is correct closure of the concluding observations." I think this is a general understanding, handball Media Officer will describe a 'handball conclusion manner' of the authoritarian presidential decree, which has been described ...
Knowledgeable people, both to expose and refute the initial site is a good attempt to capture the typical reaction to the extension of Germany's well-known investigative journalist Weinreich, who also criticized the handball crazy things in the media did not give Germany more quickly and more prominent coverage.
The whole story is an interesting, Sportfive during 2009, through the Director, he was not only the right television when Sportfive handball and personal services, Mustafa contract was Robert Miller von Vultejus, who since abandoned in favor of Sportfive competing entities, UFA movement, an important RTL, a subsidiary of German media group.
UFA Sports, which is the recent establishment in 2008, is ready to jump in early 2009 a new four-year TV rights for the 2010-13 year handball competition. A little bit of the world of sports media, surprise, UFA to Sportfive and NBA jerseysbeat other competitors to obtain the rights for 2010-13. These results are published in the Congress and the handball connection in June 2009. At that time, it may just seemed that this 'coup' can be attributed by Miller Feng Vultejus handball obtained in the same time Sportfive deal of experience.
However, in recently disclosed that the new regime in Sportfive may begin to doubt whether there is more to the story, they said they are examining the incident involving Sportfive with the handball and Mustafa relationship. They will always ask if their former Chief of the problems with his approach to his new company, therefore, quite tender really win the unsaturated fatty acids, such as is now being vigorously Muller von Vultejus claims.
Perhaps the tender is not as 'sealed' and it should be kept confidential! ? Handball who is familiar with this process will inevitably be reluctant to take risks, his situation frankly those concerned, but will not come to a shock if one day, came to the public that the UFA has indeed received an opportunity to World Cup jerseys ensure that they have successful ...
Finally, for me, I want to say, this is painful to have to reason to keep writing about handball negative things. But my loyalty is to handball, its image and success, and the person who can work handball, honest and impartial manner, rather than in handball and the current regime.